Your 2014 State Council

Your 2014 State Council

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Put on your seatbelt!

Too many times in life it is commonly mistaken that things always get easier towards the end of your assigned task, assigned duty, etc. However as the months continued to disappear and now having not even a full month waiting ahead the path has just had a few move bridges to cross.
The past month has left before we were even ready for it to begin. Summer is also now truly here. The pools, the friends, the fairs, and yes who could ever forget to mention those summer jobs that aways accompany summer. If anything the time has began to slip away even quicker instead of slowing down. July is here and that means our exchange trip to the Great State of Tennessee and then returning to the Keystone State to MC the 2011 PA State 4-H Achievement Days. Not just have the last 335 days been unforgettable, life changing, and even sometimes challenging but nonetheless I know that the last 28 days I have no fear will be all of that and so much more.
There are so many events and challenges that we try to prepare ourselves for as young adults becoming adults. We prepare to walk across the stage and receive our High School diploma, move away to college, a full time job, and even aging out of those youth organizations that got you to where you are today. We can prepare and prepare and prepare yet once those days come and we must give up the known to walk into the unknown we have to remind ourselves that the journey ahead will only broaden your horizon. I personally thought leaving high school and moving onto college was going to difficult but that was only the preparation for what I am going to feel and experience at the end of July. No longer being a traditional member of an organization that has help me to obtain so many accomplishments, built so many friendships and has created endless opportunities that continuously raise you above others.
This last month is going to be far from easy but I know it will be one of the most memorable months of life. Team, we could have never made it this far without each other. THANKS! You each have helped to make this a journey of a lifetime.

Your 2010 - 2011 Pa State 4-H Council President,
Logan Hall

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