Your 2014 State Council

Your 2014 State Council

Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Assorted Occurrences of November

Hello again Pennsylvania 4-H!

This month was quite eventful and still is (which I'll get to later)! A few weeks ago on November 20, all met at the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture in Harrisburg. The first thing we did was that we met with the PA Secretary of Agriculture, George Greig. We talked with him about what kind of life he grew up with, different aspects of his job, and what he's working on right now with his job. 

The Council with Secretary of Ag, George Greig!

Then we went and toured the food safety, plant, and vet laboratories. The first one analyzed different grain and feed samples to see if the claims on the packages were true! Then we went to a lab that dealt with monitoring different pests and insects within our state. We got to see these huge, huge beetles that they had preserved (they were not native)! Next we went to the virology labs and looked at different equipment that is used to identify diseases. The last lab that we toured was the vet lab! We looked at room where they tested anything from live specimens to blood samples to eggs for various things such as disease or DNA!  

Us in our handy dandy white lab coats! 

So more recently there is the National 4-H Congress! That's actually where I am this very moment! Live from Georgia! So far it's been a complete blast, and it's only the third day! We kicked off Friday night with getting acquainted with as many of the 700+ delegates from across 45 states and Puerto Rico as possible! Then we had a pretty beastly awesome motivational speaker followed my a very interactive speaker (games and moving). That's a quick synopsis of the events thus far! I can't wait for what else is left to come!

Until next month then! So just in advance, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

Jesse Isenberg
2013/2014 Pennsylvania State 4-H Council
Vice President of Operations

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