Your 2014 State Council

Your 2014 State Council

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Free Parking with a Five Dollar Water!

Say What? Well, nobody that I know would spend five bucks for little old bottle of water but some people sure did.   While my father and I were on our way home from the NJSA Eastern Regional in Hamburg, New York, we passed this sign that said, "free parking with a five dollar water".   At the time the town we were driving through was Elliotville, which I may add is a pretty rich town.   It was having its annual Fall Festival.  From what we could see people just opened up their yards for parking, charge included of course.  So clear on the other side of town apparently people could not charge for parking so they charged for a water instead. To be honest I don't really know but Dad and I sure got a kick out of the five dollar water.  What ever floats your boat I guess.

People say you learn a lot from traveling and after that trip I sure did.  First, I learned  that a small restaurant named Eddy's has the BEST pizza ever!  If it was up to me we would have ate there for the entire weekend.  Also, that Jason Aldean was right when he says about "connecting little towns with funny names".  I saw more "funny names" for stuff than I could have ever imagined.  Killbuck road and Pumpkinville were some my favorites and when something says "pumpkins by the thousands", it literally means pumpkins by the thousands.  Did you know that four way stops are all way stops in New York?

The NJSA Eastern Regional was a blast.  Now, I might not have came home with all the hardware that other showman did but it was still the greatest time.  Speaking of livestock shows, at KILE I got to help friends with the sheep show.  That Sunday morning I felt like I had shown or help shown more sheep than I could have ever thought of. 

My gilt before we left for New York.

KILE was also fantastic because I helped with Farm City Day and the BBQ.  Yum!  I tasted more BBQ than one person could think of.  My favorite part of the BBQ was selling chicken legs for the "Best Legs in Town" contest.  Twenty-eight different types of legs we sold that day. Some legs were not so great I found out.  I handed one gentlemen a leg and immediately after he took his first bite, I could tell he wasn't going to take another.  A couple days after attending the BBQ, Farm City Day, and KILE, the state council went to the governor's mansion for the Friends in Agriculture Breakfast.

Just about a week ago Mom and I attended the PCLA awards banquet. Which was terrific since I got to see so many great people I haven't seen since early summer.  Not to mention, I was awarded champion 16-17 year old lamb and goat showman. I also got champion senior skill-a-thon! Those awards really made my evening but the cherry on top was my early birthday present!

My sweet new wash pants, thanks Mom!

Thanks to Dwayne Hay for having me speak at the Taste of Harvest and for Joanne Stoltzfus for having me speak and help with county council inductions.  It was great seeing so many old faces again.

Well by all of this one probably could  say I had a pretty hectic month. I wouldn't disagree, it was but I still found to time to hang out with friends and family and enjoy this awesome fall weather.

It's Halloween, don't get to scared and don't eat all your candy in one night!


Megan Anderson

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