Your 2014 State Council

Your 2014 State Council

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Learn By Doing

“Learn By Doing”: 4-H Slogan
“What is the difference between the person who makes sure the train runs on time and the person who lays the tracks?”: Sam Hayes Jr.

What’s up PA 4-H??

                This has been a blur of a month! I have been busy with State Council. We appeared at Farm City Day and the Governor’s Mansion, and had our first face to face meeting. Now add on being a college student and athlete and you have crazy month, but I have enjoyed every minute of it!
                One of my favorite parts of being a 4-Her is seeing how my 4-H experiences help me in real life. One of the classes I am currently taking is Educational Psychology, which is the study of how people learn and how you can use that to be a better teacher. The other week I got a hand out about what we tend to remember. It said that, with a passive level of involvement, we tend to remember 10% of what we read, and 50% when we watch something such as a presentation. With active levels of involvement, we tend to remember 70% when we participate in something, and 90% when we do the real thing. Does this ring a bell? Just look at the 4-H slogan: Learn by doing!
                What I learned in class is that the best way to learn is to learn by doing. 4-H has taught me this long before I got to college. In 4-H we don’t read about showing an animal, sewing a dress, leading a meeting, or rocketry. We go out and do it!  It makes me happy to be a part of such a great organization.
                One other thought before I go. I got the chance to meet Sam Hayes Jr. when he spoke to my CFFA meeting. Secretary Hayes is the former PA Secretary of Agriculture, as well as a former PA House Majority Leader. He gave us a thought that I would like to share: “What is the difference between the person who makes sure the train runs on time and the person who lays the tracks?” The answer is that one is a leader, and the other is a manager. Both are essential, but we often confuse the two. A person can be a great leader but a poor manager, and vice versa. One person might have both roles. With SLC on the horizon, think of which you are. Whichever you are, be the best you can be! I hope everyone has a great Halloween, and a great November!

Till next time,
Nathan Repetz
2013/2014 PA 4-H State Council

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